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  • Writer's pictureDeaun Carpenter, NP

Sleep, Sleep my pretty

Herbals for sleep

Sweet sleep
Proverbs 3:24

Sleep is it overrated?

Sleep is one of the most important ways that our body can restore health. Not only physical health but emotional and spiritual health. Our brain uses sleep to process the experiences of the day. It is during sleep that our supply of hormones is restocked, significant toxins are processed, damaged tissues are repaired, and white blood cells for immunity are generated and many other body functions.

You may have heard some people say “I slept all night but I don't feel rested” or “I just can't turn the thoughts off at night.” Unfortunately, we have an epidemic of sleep disorders- from trouble falling asleep to often interrupted sleep to actual insomnia.

I found this quote interesting from Matthew Walker in “Why we Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams”, He writes:

“Human beings are the only species that deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent gain.”

So how can we remedy our sleep deprivation? I usually start with “sleep hygiene” such as no screen time 2-3 hrs before bed, same bedtime and wake up time, no caffeine or alcohol 3-4 hours prior to bed, avoid stressful or stimulating movies or programs at bedtime.

There are many ways to classify insomnia some of which are:

·       Sleep onset insomnia

·       Sleep maintenance insomnia

·       Sleep offset

·       Nonrestorative sleep

Some herbal remedies that can help are:

·       Valerian

·       Chaste Tree

·       Ziziphus

·       Kava

·       St John’s wort

·       Passionflower

·       Ashwagandha

·       California Poppy

Some of the above herbs can also be combined to enhance sleep and even help with anxiety.

Stay tuned for more information and herbal remedies on these wonderful sleep herbs.

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