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  • Writer's pictureDeaun Carpenter, NP

Fish Oil + Heart Health

OmegaGenics by Metagenics Quality fish oil supplement

February is considered Heart Health month by several organizations such as National Heart, Lung and Blood institute. Many of these sites recommend eating fish 2-3 times weekly. The Mayo Clinic has some suggestions for supplementing with fish oil if you are unable to get it from food sources.

Fish oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 which are key components of a healthy diet. Essential fatty acids are also responsible for decreasing inflammation and they can also help depressive symptoms. In this study by International Journal of Molecular Sciences they encourage essential fatty acids for management of skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis.

Metagenics has a good fish oil supplement that is easily digested without the fish burp or taste. You can find this on our Wellevate dispensary or stop by for more information.

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